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Orbitz wants to reward hardworking Santas by sending them on a post-Christmas vacation.  Beginning at 9:00 am Central Time (CT) on December 4, 2018 through 11:59 pm CT December 31, 2018 (the “Promotion Period”), Orbitz is asking you to share on social media photos of your child(ren) meeting Santa for the first time, crying or not, using the hashtag #SantaNeedsAVacation.  For each photo uploaded during the Promotion Period, Orbitz will donate $5.00 in Orbucks up to $5,000 and will gift the Orbucks to School4Santas.

On or about January 18, 2019, Administrators at School4Santas will nominate ten (10) deserving Santas to receive $500 Orbucks in order to enjoy a post-Christmas vacation.  Nominations will be based on a) need (someone who might not otherwise be able to afford a vacation), and b) compelling story as shared with Santa Tim of School4Santas.  Orbitz reserves the right to reject a nomination for any reason and ask that School4Santas nominate another Santa.  Orbitz will have final approval over all nominations.

Prior to the awarding of Orbucks, if not already an Orbitz Rewards member, selected Santas will need to sign up for Orbitz Rewards. Use of the Orbucks by selected Santas will be subject to Orbitz’s standard terms and conditions of the Orbitz Rewards program (


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Note: Orbitz compensates authors for their writings appearing on this site.

Monica Pedraja

Monica Pedraja

Monica is a Chicago-based photo editor and photographer. She studied photojournalism in London and has worked with Piece & Co., the Art Institute of Chicago, and many adorably in-love couples. She’s a big fan of Bananagrams, Leon Bridges, and macarons.

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