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Looking for that perfect travel accessory to help you stand out from the crowd and make you appear a bit irreverent at the same time? We’ve discovered a handful of peculiar products that are sure to raise the eyebrows of your fellow travelers.

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Photo courtesy of Occles

Occles (; $30)
These shades will make you look a bit batty, but they work. Occles are designed to keep illumination out, whether you are trying to get shuteye on the airplane or a tan at the beach. These light, durable eye covers are padded with soft rubber, providing your peepers with their very own face pillows. The adjustable wraparound is helpful for sizing, but a little awkward to lean against. Warning: Although Occles do keep UV rays out, you may end up with raccoon eyes if you sunbathe in them too long.

Photo courtesy of Lapnap

LAPNAP (; $39.95)
Speaking of looking odd on an airplane, there’s more. Your seatmates may chuckle as you do a face plant into your LAPNAP, but your neck will have the last laugh. This somewhat clunky device allows you to lay back or lean forward, relieving stress on the neck and back. LAPNAPers say it’s designed to be discreet—you be the judge. That said, it’s made for airplane use and takes up about the same space in a carry-on as a standard travel pillow.

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Photo courtesy of MTS Multi Threat Shield

MTS Multi Threat Shield (; $899)
We have all learned to be on high alert at the airport, but the Force Training Institute has taken that idea one step beyond. If you are worried about potential bad guys in public spaces, carry the MTS Multi Threat Shield along for the ride. The product looks like a laptop bag—and you can actually fit a few items in its Clark Kent exterior—but open up the MTS and it becomes a three-foot-long Kevlar-lined Superman protecting multiple people from knives and bullets.

Photo courtesy of Transmover

Transmover Luggage Scooter (; $250)
Wouldn’t it be great to speed through an airport with your carry-on in tow? With a top speed of 12 miles per hour, you can now zoom past your fellow passengers on Villagio of Miami’s Transmover luggage scooter. The three-wheeled device has space to store suitcases of varying sizes. The battery-powered version, with a TSA-approved rechargeable battery, costs around $500 (unless you want a pink one–that costs more). A manual scooter runs in the range of $250.

Photo courtesy of XTEND portable bathtub

XTEND portable bathtub
With so many hotels opting out of the tub trade, what’s a bather to do? How about a BYOB? Yes, German designer Carina Deuschl is working on developing a portable bathtub. The XTEND is made with lightweight carbon fiber and folds downs to a third of an inch. Unfolded, the 15-pound tub stands on four legs and has an inlet to hold water. There’s a pipe that connects to a water supply and an attachable shower head. Sorry, clean freaks: This one is still in the prototype phase!

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Laura Powell

Laura Powell

Laura is a 20-year veteran travel journalist. She was CNN's first travel reporter, and has written for publications ranging from Alaska Airlines Magazine to The Washington Post. Find her at the or on Twitter: @dailysuitcase

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