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The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will wind through the streets of Manhattan on the morning of November 24 for the 90th time. But that’s not the only impressive number about the annual spectacle, which unofficially kicks off the holiday season. We asked the folks at Macy’s to share some other facts about this year’s show. Use this trivia to impress your friends and family whether you’re watching the parade in person in New York City or on TV at home:

Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade


3.5 million
Estimated number of spectators lining the parade route in Manhattan.

Miles covered on the parade’s first route in the 1920s, which started in Harlem and ended at 34th Street and Herald Square.

Giant character balloons, including the debuts of characters from Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Trolls.

Total number of giant character balloons in the parade since 1927. The first was Felix the Cat.

Length in feet of the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger balloon, which is the longest balloon in the2016 parade.

Height in feet of the Elf on the Shelf balloon, the tallest one of the bunch.

Floats on this year’s route—the one carrying Santa at the end of the parade being the most anticipated, of course.

New floats will debut this year, including one featuring Girl Scouts of the USA.

Cheerleaders and dancers will be found entertaining the crowds in between floats.

Marching bands, including the NYPD and the United States Military Academy bands, will provide tunes this year.

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Tagged: Family time, Infographic, New York

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Kevin Aeh

Kevin Aeh

Kevin Aeh is an editor/writer based in New York City. He covers lifestyle, travel, and pop culture; and his current obsessions include finding the best eye cream, booking a trip to Cuba, and binge-watching Lady Dynamite on Netflix. His writing has appeared in Time Out New York, Furthermore from Equinox, Refinery29, Vulture, and more.

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