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“See the world on your terms.” That was our motto when we launched our first print ad for LGBTQIA travelers in 2001. Since that time, we’ve featured LGBTQIA travelers in our advertising, marched to the Illinois state capital advocating for legislators to vote yes on marriage equality, and supported non-profit organizations that envision a world as we do: one where all people can travel freely and feel safe and accepted.

And yet these actions feel small in comparison to what it would mean for LGBTQIA+ people to benefit from clear, consistent and explicit protections that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity as set forth by the Equality Act.

The Equality Act, passed by the House of Representatives yesterday and now awaiting a Senate vote, would ensure LGBTQIA+ employees are hired, fired, and promoted based on their performance, not their gender identity, and provides protections in other vital areas such as housing, credit, and jury service. And the Equality Act establishes a basic principle that we as a travel company currently expect from our employees, partners, and customers in barring discrimination in public spaces, services, and federal funding.

As part of Expedia Group, we are proud to join forces with the 364 member companies of the Human Rights Campaign’s Business Coalition for the Equality Act. As a coalition, we support the Equality Act and federal legislation establishing the same protections for LGBTQIA+ people as are provided to other protected groups under federal law. 

We encourage our elected representatives to make the world a more welcoming place and pass the Equality Act. If they do, our journey will not end. Rather, it emboldens our purpose. It’s an acclamation to travel freely, travel confidently and most importantly, travel as you are.

Orbitz has a rich history with the LGBTQIA community spanning 20 years. Learn about our journey by visiting our Orbitz Rainbow Timeline.

Tagged: Feature

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Orbitz Travel Blog Editors

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