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You probably know Nico Tortorella from the TV Land show Younger. Or maybe you recognize him from ABC Family’s Make It Or Break It or Fox’s The Following, or for his role in Scream 4. Between his television and film appearances, the Chicago-area native stays pretty busy, but he always finds time for romance, travel and—sometimes—romantic travel. Here’s Nico Tortorella’s take on the most and least romantic spots on earth, the perfect date and more.

For an extended interview with Nico, visit Dot429.






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Q. If you could go anywhere in the world to take somebody on a first date (not Paris), where would it be and why?
The middle of nowhere America, because if you can enjoy being nowhere with me, you can love being everywhere as us.

Q.Which city is more romantic, New York or L.A.?
New York.

Q. What is the most romantic place you’ve ever been taken to on a date?
A cabin in upstate New York, somewhere deep in the Adirondacks.

Q. What’s the least?
Las Vegas.

Q. Ok, so, first date in New York City: Where do you go?
The Nighthawk movie theater in Williamsburg.

Q. Same question, but this time L.A.
A hike along Runyon Canyon.

Q. What’s more romantic: Dinner by candlelight or a long walk on the beach? Or is there a third option we’re missing?A. In bed sharing tattoo stories.

Q. OK, since we mentioned it: Is Paris the city of love? Have you been? Tell us more?!
Yes, but only for 36 hours. And it is totally the city of love. I went with my buddy, Steven Taylor, along with his wife. A few years prior, they had placed a lock on the Pont des Arts, the famous bridge over the Seine which had become weighed down with all these “Love Locks.” Well, apparently, all the locks were scheduled to be cut at that same time we were there. So, we went on this master heist, buying a pair or wire cutter and illegally removing Steven and his wife’s lock from the bridge. It was so scary, but we did it! Love always wins.

Q. Oh, and one last one: Butterflies come from first kiss or holding hands?
Holding eye contact with someone and you just know.

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Tagged: Celebrity picks, Las Vegas, New York

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